Originally Posted by pxd
Well, I chose this mod over the LDM one available, and so far it works nicely, however I am wondering how do I stop users from uploading images to entries that they do not own? And what is the logical purpose of allowing everyone to upload pictures everywhere? I thought ideally the owner of the uploaded file would add a couple of screenshots for others to see but not eveyone to be allowed to upload pictures to his file?
EDIT: Saw your post, RS_Jelle and was wondering whether V6 is there available somewhere. I'd love to have that fix if possible...
v6 is the next coming big release. It will contain a full recode of the mod, but it requires ... time. There's no ETA, but there are already some AdminCP screenshots available (look some pages back).
I was thinking about creating a 5.0.5 release maybe in the meantime to add some small new things (like extra usergroup permissions).
Originally Posted by butty
i have a forum at the minute with posts and lots of replies to em. i would like to import the replies to a downloadsII upload post. would you think this could be possible?
I don't understand your question fully, can you explain it a bit more

Is it a question about the "DownloadsII Create New Thread Add-On"? Then you should address it in the add-on thread of it.
Originally Posted by Jay...
RS_Jelle are there any plans for this to include any sort of points system?
In the past we thought about integration in the most popular one, vbBux/vbPlaza, with a plugin (there are plugin hook location inside of DownloadsII to make this possible). But vbBux/vbPlaza isn't available any more due to
security issues. So at the moment there's no popular points system (or I must be missing it). In the private coders forum, there are some ideas and other coders working on their own new points system, but there's nothing available yet. So the only thing we can do is wait, as creating our own points system is impossible (that's a totally new mod).
Btw, to all people: yes it works fine on the new vBulletin 3.6.6

I love the new template plugins, as we could integrate the additional template changes (postbit, memberinfo) better, but that would really require vB 3.6.6 and not all people are migrating that fast