ok I got this to say you people are rude and impolite ok my site has been closed due to vbulletin saying it was illegal so I did the right thing and closed it.
Also my site wasnt about display it was about the idea I wanted feedback on stop arguing and wasting your lives away its pathetic hate me for it all you want am 16 years old and thought the idea was a good one at the time and wasn't aware of some of the legalities behind it.
You people siriously need to grow up and instead of arguing over whats what and legalities I was unaware of that I wasn't allowed to do that and soon as I had OFFICIAL confirmation I shut the site down as it was the right thing to do.
I didnt want this post to start arguments or get people worked up or spoil the community atmosphere nor did I expect people to be so rude and tell me my site is rubbish on display etc it was about the idea.
Now do the right thing and just stop arguing if a 16 year old can do the right thing then am sure you adults can to.
Am really disappointed I thought todays society were alot more polite I was wrong.