Originally Posted by Kr0nica
Heh... It's me again :erm: I have one more question. It's possible that 'Upload an Image' feature was available only for thread starter and site stuff? When i turn off this option for Registered Users in Usergroup Manager they can't upload images at all and when it's turn on, they can upload pics wherever they want...
That's already included in v6, but the only problem we now have is the fact that there are too much usergroup permissions. It's really getting a mess

"Can edit own files", "Can edit all files", "Can edit own comments", "Can edit all comments", "Can delete own files", ....
Originally Posted by masons
Can we only allow PDF uploads (yes) and that those are automatically "embedded" with our logo as watermark?
You can choose which file extensions you allow for uploading, but adding a watermark to a PDF isn't possible. Then we would need a whole new external class for doing this, cause it's not a standard PHP function. For images it's perfect possible with PHP. Just like you need a whole new class for exporting text to PDF, which causes also a lot of compatibility problems also with the different PHP versions.
Originally Posted by esck
is it normal, that files get duplicated?
I've just did an import, and after that a file like this appear 1111-file.ext with the exact same size and everything. I would preffer this won't happen
thanks in advance, great mod
No, that's not normal
Is each duplicated file listened separately in the "The following files were successfully imported" list after the import?