Originally Posted by Inferno Tech
full version of 2.4 also has the following
- Lottery
- Hospital
- Donate (Items & money)
- Clans
- Triple Triad (Shop, Card Packs, TT Battle Ground, Triad Trade)
- Auctions
- Member List
- Advanced Member Search
- Import/Export RPG Settings (ACP)
and is $30
The new version is 3.0, and can be tested on http://demo.infernotechnologies.net/
It is completely different and new, and has hundreds of new features.
- Decado
I installed the Lite version and had a play, my members were liking it but moaning on the lack of features, so I went and got the full version.
Read the Non-Fresh install txt and did what it said. Imported a starter pack and began test battle with AI bot. Massive template issue that you can see on the attached images.
This problem only occurs on the battle screen. Strangely it's listing I have Lite and normal installed, when on import of the product (full) I told it to overwrite anything it needed to upgrade.
I tried removing the product and then reinstalling but same issue on battle screen.