yes it is, but all three sorts have the same result. Instead of a nice table. They all display..
Greyvenney -:- Level (70) Gnome Mage
[05-08-2007 11:46 AM]
Vendforu-:- Level (60) Human Mage
[05-08-2007 03:05 PM]
Bellemi -:- Level (70) Human Paladin
[05-08-2007 02:06 PM]
Discomoose -:- Level (69) Night Elf Priest
[05-09-2007 06:15 AM]
Stabatha -:- Level (70) Gnome Rogue
[05-08-2007 11:42 AM]
doddle -:- Level (70) Gnome Warrior
[05-08-2007 02:57 PM]