Originally Posted by Distance
Why is the doublepost mod not working properly.
I also thought it's not working properly, but then saw that it doesn't merge the posts immediately, but only after a while. Odd, but it does seem to work. It's the first time I use it, how is it suppose to work?
Originally Posted by Distance
I like the way you do not have alot of mods that will just cramp and slow down the forum..

I'm trying to use only a few very useful ones, but still have an effective forum.
Originally Posted by Distance
Although the latest 5 posts box is a little simple for my liking and it takes up more room that what is needed
I've been playing around with a few different things, just to see how it works, and what could improve the forum alltogether. I think at some stage I'm gonna install the CMS plugin, and have something similar to
Originally Posted by Distance
You have too much content in the guests welcome header
ok, I hear what you're saying, will remove some. I just did this to get more users to signup, not sure if it really helps or not.
Originally Posted by Distance
Word: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? What???
It's a Gues the Word game, which I want to use to encourage people to post more.
http://www.webhostingtalk.co.za/vb/s...=3158#post3158 - What do you think about this? I just don't know how to disable it for guests, and how to add some more text to it, explaining what it is about
Originally Posted by Distance
Latest active threads AND latest 5 posts box ?? Nah 
Removed the to one
Originally Posted by Distance
You should concider upgrading your forum to the latest version to fix vunerabilities..
I'm gonna so that next week, I have to move the forums to a new server first.
Originally Posted by Distance
Nice idea and domain. Potential 