Originally Posted by snakes1100
I dont see what a pain in the arse xfer'ing a 360mb db could be, i just xfer'd a 4.5gb db, that db dont have any images in it either.
My lack of knowledge more than anything, in my experience transferring a db with phpMyadmin usually times out at 50 megs. We have no shell access as we are on a shared server.
Originally Posted by snakes1100
I can't understand what they are complaining about phpmyadmin sessions for, thats installed with cpanel. Tell them to increase the tmp table size or link it to another partition if its to small as it appears to be.
That makes more sense and was the kind of answer I was after. I'm just trying to find out what else could be causing the problem ... Like when they accuse us of causing the problem, I need to get some ammo to be able to defend ourselves.
Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
It might help to know exactly what hacks, which gallery, and which portal you are running
VB 3.5.x - Vba portal, vbaphotopost gallery, age lock hack, rules and user agreement, vba links directory, vbjournal, kick user from a thread, admin log in as user, miserable users, gallery pics on forum home, and a few other template hacks that I cannot begin to remember. As far as I know all our templates are caching just fine.
We have avatars and photos in the file system and are using fulltext searching. Roughly 200 members visiting per day ... Threads: 14,348, Posts: 280,628, Members: 1,993
- PHP 5.21 and MySQL 5.0.27
Thing is, we have had these hacks for ages and been relatively trouble free for a long time.