Remaining Time until forum closure.
I have a number of forums on my site which i use specifically for an auction type system. I have setup the forums concerned to auto close at a specified time (currently 72 hours) from the date and time that the thread was originally posted.
What i would like to be able to do is show an end time before the thread closes and also the remaining time before it closes just under the thread title so people have a visual notification of how long each thread/auction has left to run. This would be set to a 72 hour timescale ie if a post was made today at 8PM the thread title area would show..
Title : whatever is being auctioned.
Auction Created: Today @ 8:00 PM
Auction End: 5/13/2007 @ 8:00PM
Remaining Time: 2 days 23 hours 23 minutes
Don't know how hard this would be to achieve but it sure would be of help to my boards and probably useful to others too.
Thanks in advance