Originally Posted by logofreax
I created some new Categories which are at the moment invisible for Guests.
What I found out...
All Categories created before upgrade to DownloadsII 5.0.4 are still sorted in right order A-Z
But new created after Upgrade are sorted from Z-A
That's nearly impossible as we didn't change any big things in the database or so. The query to get the files is also very clear, can't be wrong

Have a note that pinned files always stay on top of the category.
Have you a url of an (active) category where the files are sorted wrong, so I can take a look at it?
Also make sure you uploaded all files and imported the product xml (with overwrite option on) correctly. Reupload all DownloadsII files from the upload folder again to be sure (and redo the downloads.php change for name sorting).