Originally Posted by Raptor
Site Name: Digital Forums
URL: http://www.digital-forums.com
Description: Digital Forums is in it's 7th year is a community dedicated to to providing the masses with a host of technical topics as well as every day subjects from cooking to conspiracies
Reason for Nomination: The DF community is a hardcore base of technophiles who spend a massive amount of their spare time helping others and getting help in return. We have grown since the vb2 days and have implemeted a massive amount of customizations and hacks all with the help of vbulletin.org which has been an invaluable source of material for us. We feel the design and implemenation of the forums is as good as you can get and we strive to improve the site on a daily basis.
DF is really a living, breathing community that owes its entire success to all the members and staffers who have contributed their time over the years. The members deserve this award and I would be proud if they were recognized in this way.
If we could be seconded that would be fantastic!
Thanks in advance 
I have used Digital-Forums for a number of years and beleive the site is most worthy of this nomination / award.
DF, is my first port of call for any technical issues / questions I have, and find they are usually answered in a quick friendly manner by the members whom in my opinion are second to none.