Originally Posted by MicroHellas
Are you sure that you've upload functions.php at vbnews/includes/ and not in your_forums/includes ???
Also have you kept the structure as it's on the zip file?.
Thinking it was obvious, I was going to say yes without checking but I thought i'd be safe an check, and you were correct, that was the problem. I had the structure wrong.
Thanks for the swift help.
Any chance anyone could help me achieve what the following screenshot shows? Basically I just want to change the order the news is displayed.
Also, because of this and rather importantly, my breaking news block isnt updating when i add new breaking news. instead the old one stays there and the new one is archived which is because of the order which news is displayed when new articles are added.
Would be really appreciated if anyone could help, once I get this sorted I will then look to purchase the commericial version for RSS.