I too would be interested in something like this. I run an auction site and have implimented a system whereas each auction runs for an aloted amount of time and then automatically closes. However i don't have a visual timer on each auction so people know when it is going to end or how long they have left to bid.
If this could be done it would be real handy in a variety of ways. Also, might be worth adding a function whereas you can speify which forum id's it would be used in as i have a variety of forums other than just the auctions and i would like to use this only in specific areas of the forums.
Running 3.6.5.
Thanks in advance to anyone wishing to help or able to.
Anyone know if this is possible?
I've searched for something simalar and noone appears to have done this for vbulletin at all. I've found mods that show thread start in threadbit but none that will actually countdown from the creation to a predifined time..ie 72 hours.