May 8th 2007
Because of the similarities between this mod and another, I've removed the template edit that I originally released rather than cause a problem!
May 8th 2007...later in the day?
I had another look at my code vs. the similar code, and with the exception of variable names, the organization of the logic of the template edits is tottaly different...I'm going to re-add the template code and leave it to wisdom of the staff if i'm in error.
I added Plugin Code & Template Instructions to the first post and txt file
May 16th 2007
Added missing ID tag to one of the find instructions, updated txt file also
June 12 2007
Please Remember to make all 4 icons "new" "old" "new_lock" & "old_lock" an error has been reported that if all 4 don't exist, guests and unregistered may not see the default icons.
July 5 2007
Now supports standard mark forum read double click!