Originally Posted by inciarco
 drew010, Could You Please Share with Us the Templates that your Add-On Modifies, as well as the Modifications (Replace, Place Below/Above) that It makes, Please??
Is important for us to know those Modifications to be able to Take Them In Cosideration in vBulletin Updates, and of course to Help You Detect any Bugs and also Improvements!! :up:
I Send You My Best Regards!! I Hope You Can Share This With Us!! :up:

the only code related to modifying templates are these two things:
on showing the reputation form i look for the vb phrase your_comments_on_this_post and i insert a tr in the row just before it (with the dropdown stuff) leaving the rest as it was when i read the cached template, so any other mods should be included.
and i replace vbrep_register(postid) with parseInt(postid) so that the ajax rep wont show do to the ie problems and the parseInt is just used because it has no side effects of replacing that call.
all the other stuff is hook based php to handle the rest.
and thanks kgb, i actually requested it a while back before i started messing with vbulletin code so im glad someone else wanted the same.