Originally Posted by Burley
Great hack, will most definitly click install when my new board is up&running.
I installed it on my test board (3.6.5) which went fine, but when a user clicks on "your post reports" link and it takes you there, the table is much wider then the actuall width of my board.
I'm not sure if this has something to do with your hack or with my settings, but none of the other seem to cause this problem.
edit: added a screenshot
That is because you have no line break.
Originally Posted by rowlandc
@ Paul : I'm pretty sure you can't. If you just break the link it should be fine.
I've got one question before I install. Is it already implemented that when the topic is closed after a certain amount of days it will delete itself?
No, why would this delete a topic?
If you mean delete the report then no, although I have noted the suggestion.
Originally Posted by yaworski
I wonder if this would be possible, to split the closed state for report to closed (accepted) and closed (rejected). It would be also great to have a status page with ranking of users' reports (for example: top100 accepted reports, top100 rejected reports etc).
Oh and I found that this is not XHTML friendly. You forgot to close <option> tags in postreports.php.
I am not going to be extending this hack.
I have not forgotten to close any tags.