SITE:General [M]ayhem Forums![/B]
Description: Large off-topic forums with a pruned user base of around 50K users. Unusual in that the off-topic forum is the lead forum and tech, auto, etc are sub-forums only. The forum is a 'real-time' forum because there are a few hundred to thousand users online simultaneoulsy through out the day...
Genmay was formed when the off-topic forums at were abruptly shut down in July 2003- a few members decided to create their own country on the internet.
Reason for Nomination:Genmay has been famous for several key internet events such as the public availability of Paris Hilton's hacked sidekick directory-
article mentioning genmay in Washington Post and the Christopher Walken 2008 fake presidential bid
reference #21 on his wikipedia entry.
Since last year we have been at the center of a wikipedia conspiracy when our entry was deleted
Genmay is now the anchor of a whole network of forums. All users have been merged so that any user can post on any network forum with their original log-on and password.
The network forums include: (adult conversation) (celebrities and their fans) (TV and Movies) (rock n roll) (all other music) (forum hot or not type forum) has the benefit of many customizations which will be pushed onto the other forums including all the fun stuff that is for sale in our store Basically, since genmay is a rough and tumble, off-topic forum- you have the ability to pay for moderation of each other through paid thread-locks and unlocks. Additionally an individual can have their avatar and title messed with through the store. We believe in Mayhem and these features add to the chaos. The sub-forums are very much on-topic however, and people are impressed at how fast their threads are commented on in any of these subject specific sub-forums.
I would truly appreciate a second to this nomination!
We will soon have the ability for users to purchase banners and text ads across our entire network. We will only accept ads from users that relate to their own e-business, or that are links to their threads or efforts online- no commercial advertising.
Beyond all of this will be the launch of our super secret, integrated user profile, search, and transaction engine-