Well from what I learned my front page is not really a wordpress blog. All it is doing is taking some info from the database and displaying it. Now....with phpbb we had this mod installed:
Slashdot Style News Mod
Here were it's features:
Feature Overview:
* Slashdot style news postings.
* News topics are marked in forum view.
* News categories are easily selected when posting or editing topics.
* Enable, disable, and set image path from the admin control panel.
* Easily assign forum and group permissions form the forum and group control panels.
* Easily add, edit, and delete news categories from the News control panel.
* Included RSS news syndication, to allow other sites to syndicate your news stories.
Now the news categories is the key for me. I need to be able to categorize news on the site and be able to post it in any forum, not be limited to one news forum.
Is this at all possible?