Originally Posted by flypaper
Its about time one of you posted.
Try reading the rest of the site, there are plenty of staff posts relating to this mod.
Originally Posted by flypaper
So you seem to know all the security holes, why not post them?
Hmm, yes, that sounds a good idea, let's tell everyone how to hack a few hundred forums ... :erm:
Originally Posted by flypaper
I fail to understand what you and this site gains by continuing to let this fester. Additionally, you guys run off others who attempt to create alternative shops. In the end, the only losers are us end users.
What we gain is security. We will not allow mods with gaping security holes be published. If other sites want to that is up to them. If the original author fixed the holes then there would be no problem. If he gave others permission to release a fixed version, there would be no problem. He has done neither. JFYI - a PM from myself, to him, querying if a previous release had his permission remains unanswered almost a month after it was sent.
I suggest you calm down a bit now, your current path of confrontation is not going to end well.