I'm not sure what you're asking here. It would depend on the modules - but any module that worked with the vbulletin forums would have to be custom written.
Allow me to clarify. I've been using Mambo/Joomla a long time so I'll see if I can explain:
In Joomla you can create modules that can be placed based on their Module Position using code like -
<?php mosLoadModules ( 'user7', 'true' ); ?> - placed in a template.
You can then assign a Joomla module to this position and also assign it to show only for certain pages. These pages are determined by the menu structure that is set up. So even though many pages follow the same template that all have the "user7" module position, the only pages that will actually show the module are those that have been selected to display it (this is done when configuring the module).
I assume even though your plugin is using the vBulletin templating system that I will still be able to assign Joomla modules (as noted above). If so, then back to my original question, can I assign Joomla modules to a specfic Forum so that for example in Forum1 I can show a specific Joomla module (e.g., in "user7" position) and in Forum2 not show the module.