Originally Posted by Michael Morris
At this point I don't know what could be triggering it unless...
Did you remember to install the vJoomla product file? If you don't the joomla templates wouldn't be loaded in and you'd get an error when they are called.
Yes, I did.
- Installed Joomla 1.0.12
- Installed vBulletin, inside /forum, using the same database, different table prefix though (not sure if that matters)
- Installed the vJoomla plugin using the xml file
- Overwritten the joomla files
- Copied the required vb folders to joomla directory as per your instructions
Anything missing?
Your help is so much appreciated, Michael. I am keen to use this on my production site that will go live soon, and your mod does exactly what I need, too sad I can't get it installed. Hopefully you can help me out, thanks!
P.S. Do you mind putting up an older version of the beta for me to make a quick test? Also, could filepath be an issue here? I'm running the scritpts on XAMPP server locally.