Well, a few things to consider:
- Get a background image. Something that fits your site's theme. White is boring. Especially when nothing else 'pops' out.
- Lose the statistics for the time being. Your community isn't active enough. All you're doing is showing guests how inactive it is. Wait until things get rolling, then put up statistics. People are more likely to register.
- Be more descriptive in your guests message. Give people an incentive to register. Get the Welcome Headers hack. Go nuts.
- Change icons. Get something that stands out. Something that fits your site.
- The links at the top are useless. Home is the same as Forum. You have no Gallery or Rules. Remove the links until you do.
- To help with content, try pulling some data from various RSS feeds relating to your content.
These are a few things to start with. Keep in mind, you need to make visitors WANT to register. Make them feel that they WANT to be a part of your community. Don't be fooled. This is tough -- however, it's necessary. Without that, you've just got a forum where you can talk to yourself.