Beta 0.0.4 is out. The next branch will be 0.1.0 to mark the first milestone - the completion of the default skinning. Code wise version 0.0.4 has this in place already, but it is using the Joomla tables and classes at the moment and they haven't been rewritten to use vbulletin class elements. This is the last step before going to .1
The next component I will be working on is the Installer. This should aid more people into getting this component up and running. The completion of the installer will mark beta .2 completion.
As of now vJoomla has all but completely replaced Joomla's template system. This means Joomla templates *will not work* on it. However, all vbulletin templates will work, though occassionally they'll need minor adjustments or additions.
Originally Posted by TheMusicMan
Hi Michael - am watching this thread and eagerly await the release of your version.
Qn if I may: skinning and templates... does your bridge do anything with these and make it easier to use a Joomla template on vB or a vB template on Joomla...? I appreciate matching the two is way out of scope of a Joomla/vB bridge, but are there any presentation layers considered?
I'm not sure what you mean by presentation layers. I have ditched the Joomla skinning system (though patTemplate still works within vJoomla for those modules that require it). Modules written for vJoomla will have the option of using patTemplate or vbulletin's template engine at the author's choice.