Originally Posted by cheesegrits
Fine piece of work. I've been doing a fair amount of vB/Joomla integration and mod writing recently (for other people), and I'm even considering re-adopting Joomla for myself when vJoomla stablizes. I had exactly the same frustrations you did with the two template systems (and lack of support from BBpixel), only I didn't have the patience to do what you are doing!
My only concern is, as you say above, "I'm branching off Joomla". Are you literally working on core Joomla files, or is it plugin based? How likely are you to implement this in 1.5? Much as I like the look of what you are doing, i don't want to paint myself into a corner with an "old" version of Joomla I then can't upgrade. 1.5 seems to address a lot of the XSS vulnerabilities in Joomla, which were another large part of why I abandoned it in the first place.
-- hugh
Joomla 1.5 can be bridged in quite a different manner since it is able to directly authenticate off foreign user tables and more fully implements it's native template engine. I've been watching it too - the one thing that has me worried about it is their 'php 5 emulation under php 4' -- this seems to be a severely unnecessary complication to the product.
vJoomla modifies core joomla files - it has to in order to accomplish what it does. I'm trying to keep the changes to a minimum, but they are significant. So far they have not proven significant enough to stop any module I've tried to run on it from working.
BTW, for a XSS attack to work against vJoomla it would first need to defeat vbulletin's xss precautions in addition to Joomla's native ones.