This is a fantastic piece of work!! I have installed it but as yet not opened it to the members as I am testing it on my 3.6.5 forums, it is working perfectly fine from what I see.
I also note how easy it is to "install" your own packs (even if creating the images is time consuming, not ur fault of course lol). The way this system works is only limited by the admins imagination, I have already created blank "canvas" bodies so the user can choose from a selection of facial expressions aswell as the usual accessories etc to add to them for even more customisation. I`m also doing scenery for the avators for members to purchase, there literally is tons that can be done for customising.
One question though, when you have installed a pack, is it possible to still add new images in the already installed directory`s? Is it as simple as uploading the new images into the already existing folders?
Many thanks