Originally Posted by RedTyger
This modification shouldn't interfere with anyone else unless they happen to be using a referrer table in the database as well.
Trim URL to domain only is a way of limiting repeat entries. So any referrals from http://www.google.com will add a count to one single google.com entry instead of one for each page a referral came from.
Thanks ...
That's what it does do on my system, sets a (2) etc after the name, regardless of whether I turn the option ON or OFF. Perhaps it's a "going forward" change, as opposed to a change to what's already stored? Other than all of Paul's mods, I don't have anything else running that I think effects a
referrer table, although I'm geren around the gills with regards to this stuff. I guess my old 1960's Fortran programming skills are a little dated..
I think that it has something to do with emptying out the entries. I'm not sure, but if I purge all of the sites, I think for some reason the database entries for Paul's (24 hour) mods seem to start over? my "scheduled task" log shows one entry for this mod.
625 Total websites who have referred visitors today 01:04, 1st May 2007 Referrals Emptied
It was immediately after that, Paul's information essentially dropped to nothing, then has rebuilt itself over the last day, but I haven't run the "referral empty" job since.
Edit: I figured out the cron thing ... my fault... give me a coffee break and you'll have to re-train me..