Maybe this can help other users. It is only a small addition to add the user nickname to the link to the ts-server. So now the user will have the same name in the channel he will be logged in using the ts2live link. Before this i always got the name "Guest1" f.e.
After this the URL will look like this:
teamspeak:// ickname=usernameinvb
Just add the variable
in template "forumhome_tslive" to the link to the TS-Server. The line is near the bottom.
It seems that you will have problems if the users have special characters in their names (f.e. german characters: J?rg in VB will be changed to Jörg in TS-Server) but i don?t know to prevent this but Jörg is better than Guest1.

If anyone has a hint. Tell me.