Originally Posted by MustangLisa
Oh that's easy. I was thinking I needed to actually code in the javascript to make them rotate or something. Wow, I am going to go try this now. Thanks!
Javascript rotators are not really a terribly good alternative to this method as they rely on the viewer allowing javascript in their browser. Most do, some don't. Mobile devices don't have javascript at all as far as I know. This will work for everyone!
Originally Posted by Yvgeniy
Hey uhm... could you please PM me on how to remove your branding from the bottom of my forum ( www.sakstudios.net/forums)? It isn't that I want to completely remove it, but it's that at this point it appears on there 3 times in a row. My guess is this happened as a result of multiple product updates. So basically I just want to remove the two useless copies of it and leave the original.
This is a problem that occasionally crops up, it seems to have something to do with interference from another installed modification. It would be very helpful if you could try disabling some of your other installed products and seeing if that makes a difference.
Originally Posted by Collectors
In my footer I see:
vB Ad Management by =RedTyger=
Where can I edit this line? Now it's not aligned with my other text. 
text-align:left/right (just pick one!)