I need help with a simple formatting issue. I am trying to make my site so that it will display for anyone using a minimum of 1024 X 768 screen resolution. I want to have a 100 px wide column on the left and the right side of the page. You can view the site here:
username: guest
password: guest
You may have to login twice.
If you resize the browser window, you can see that it is the center section that includes the Navbar and the content under it that will not resize below a certain point even though the stuff in the header is still resizing smaller.
I checked the "Main table width" in the Syle Manager --> Style Variables and it is set to 100%. I have checked the Navbar template to make sure I don't have a hard coded table width present and everything is set in terms of percentages. Using the CMPS control panel I even disabled the Navbar for when a person is viewing the homepage and I still have the same problem, so I am pretty sure it is not the Navbar causing the problem. I also checked the FORUMHOME template and it too is set to 100% for the table width. Checked the HEADER template and it is also set to 100%.
I must be missing something real simple and it is driving me bonkers!