Originally Posted by Crazy Serb
well, that's the thing... I've got it set to No, and emails still have it included in the message body AND the header. and I'm using that latest version..
Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, it's quite impossible for the link to be included in both header & body in the latest version... UNLESS that is, if you're looking at emails that bounced BEFORE you upgraded the modification to the latest version. In other words, the Ezbounce links are added to the outgoing email when it's composed & sent. When that email bounces back it will obviously include the EZbounce link in either the header or body (depending on what your settings were at the time that email was originally sent). Does this clear up any confusion for you?
Originally Posted by echamberlain
This mod is great and has saved me a lot of time. The new disable features are great. Any chance the next version could track those settings too and re-enable them? My users aren't the most vB savvy and typically run our notification defaults. Most don't know how to manually re-enable the notifications.
I suppose it could be done in same manner as the primary usergroup is restored, I wasn't planning on it though it is a good suggestion, I'll consider it for future updates.