Thank you so much for your replying
What i mean is that. On the left side menu where it lists categories:
Left side Category Navigation
Main Category 1
Main Category 2
Main Category 3
Main Category 4
Main Category 5
Main Category 6
When you click on the Category 1 Link, it will show the sub-category like this:
Left side Category Navigation
Main Category 1Sub-category 1
Sub-category 2
Sub-category 3
Sub-category 4 Main Category 2
Main Category 3
Main Category 4
Main Category 5
Main Category 6
And it shows the articles' contained in that category & its sub-cat in the center & right blocks like the current version in stead of going to the new page which contain only the sub-categories & a link back to the mainpage.
Also When you click on Main Category 2, it will hide the sub-cat of Category 1 and show only Main Category 2's sub-categories like below
Left side Category Navigation
Main Category 1
Main Category 2Sub-category 1
Sub-category 2
Sub-category 3
Sub-category 4 Main Category 3
Main Category 4
Main Category 5
Main Category 6
This category menu should shows on every page to make readers selecting and going between category easier & faster.
I hope this would make you getting a little on what i'm trying to say !!