Originally Posted by InsaneNutter
What exactley do i want to search in? ive had a look in the gxboxlive.php file, the skin templates and the gxboxlive templates, if i change anything that says gxboxlive i just break the mod.
Go to your vBulletin options and click on the
Search in Phrases section in the left column.
Originally Posted by Tiger24
when i click the add button it dosent add users why??
Add users to your friends list button? Do you have your passport account setup for your Xbox.com login and your Gamertag associated with it? You need to login to Xbox.com to add friends.
Originally Posted by theorigin
First of all, let me say..great hack. This is exactly what I've been looking for, for quite some time. With that said, would it be possible to add an online status to this?
Possible yes, but it will require some available time for me to code this. It is not a simple matter.
Originally Posted by MotMann
I will displayed the statistik with the 5 bests Users in the Forumhome, maybe in the Userinfo Bar.
What i must do?
It is not possible at the moment, the statistics are only created when viewing the leaderboard.