Originally Posted by Brew
This mod has a lot of potential!
One thing I would like to see added is a tick box for letting the visitor be informed if someone enters/exits the room he's in. I spend most of my time surfing and would like to be told if someone else is in the room. A very small "blip" sound or something would be nice.
Another thing would be the ability to be in more than one room at a time. Maybe have a tabbed arrangement at the top in order to switch between rooms
I'm loving the first idea of yours but not the second one 'cause it's really pointless. Besides, you can do that already in the latest versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer using the tab system.

So yeah.
Originally Posted by hydrostatic
If I buy that, can I remove the Adsense Ads too?
Yes, the copyright will be fully removed including the ads.
Originally Posted by hydrostatic
I can't find it... but I downloaded the most recent version and the > < ' " are still not working.
EDIT: Moreover, the commands are not working. I'm referring to the /ban and /unban commands. The PM feature is also not working.
Once these errors are fixed, I am willing to purchase a Branding Free option.
Yes, we are aware that the commands aren't working already including the PM (Private Message). We're hoping to release v2.9.1 real soon which includes all the bug fixes mostly but please be patient.