Well, after sometime, I am looking for a very new and stable platform for my forums.
My site has 3600 members, and has like 73,000 posts.
phpbbfm has a lot of mods, so I want to save a lot of them, (all if possible) but I am not an expert about phpbb.
I decide to go with vbulleting (I didn?t purchase yet, until have some answers) and I am looking for this information:
-Can my phpbbfm forum be migrated to vbulletin?
-If it is possible, where can I get someone to do the job? looking for someone I can trust.
-Exits all this mods for vbulletin? Here is the list:
* Number New Posts Index Link v1.0.1
* Total Topics On Index Page v1.0.0
* Shows Topic Of Last Made Post On Index v1.4.0
* Clickable Folder Icons v1.0.0
* Hypercell's For All Pages v1.1.0
* Merge Posts/Topics Together On Index v1.0.0
* Generation Creation v1.0.0
* Level In Memberlist v1.0.0
* Remove Coppa v1.0.0
* Default Avatar v1.1.0
* Welcome & Avatar On Index v3.0.4
* Smilies List v1.0.2
* Who Posted? v0.1.3
* Get Last 24h Posts v1.1.0
* No All Caps v1.0.0
* Custom Joined Date Format v1.0.0
* Display Rank Image On Overview v1.0.0
* Admin Private Messages Viewer v1.6.0
* Select Default Language v1.3.4
* Redirect To Forum v1.0.0
* Topics Anywhere v1.11.0
* Restrict Guests v0.9.0
* Show Usergroups v1.3.2
* Show Member Of Pt.2 v1.2.5
* Disable User ID_1 Profile v1.0.0
* Mouse Hover Topic Preview v1.0.5
* Printable Page v1.0.0
* Notify Email Shows Poster Name v1.0.0
* Enhanced Admin User Lookup v1.1.2
* Sticky/Announce Moderator Buttons v1.0.1
* Administration Panel Link In Navigation v1.0.4
* MSN Image Fix v1.0
* Site Name & Description In Browser Status Bar v1.0.0
* Mini Reply Button By Quote v1.0.1
* Admin HTML v1.00
* Change Logo v1.0.0
* Admin Userlist v1.6.1
* Send PM On User Registration v1.0.3
* Tell A Friend v1.3.3
* Custom Footers And Headers v1.0.0
* paFileDB Integration v0.0.9d + MX Addon
* Text Based Visit Counter v1.1.1
* Enhanced IP Logger DB Based v5.0.3
* Who Is Active In Which Forum (Index) v1.2.0
* Admin Polls Panel v1.0
* Admin Voting v1.1.7
* Bookmark Topic v1.0.0
* Watched Topics List 1.1.0
* Topic Start Date v1.0.0
* PM Popup Center v1.0
* Number Format Total Posts v1.0.0
* Uncheck Shadow Topic By Default v1.0.1
* Forum Description On View Forum v1.0.0
* Jumpbox View Based On Permissions v1.0.0
* Category Sponsorship v1.0.1
* Hierarchies v0.9.48
* Last Visit v1.2.8
* Most Online One Day v1.0.0
* Custom Registration Form v1.0.1
* Member Number On Viewtopic v1.0.1
* View Profile Signature v1.1.1
* Style Color Display v1.0.0
* Style Under Username v1.2.4
* Birthday Zodiac v1.0.5
* Number Of New Posts And Topics On Index v0.9.1
* Topics I've Started v1.0.2
* Staff Site v2.2.3
* Username Search Box On Search Page v1.0.1
* Modified YIM Activator v1.0
* Viewtopic User Post Stats v0.9.1
* Lock-Unlock When Posting v0.0.2
* Homepage And Favorites v1.0.0
* Admin Forums Icon v1.0.2
* Admin Topic Shadow Manager v2.2.0
* Forum Views v1.0
* Board Signature vx.x.x
* Dates For Humans v1.1.1
* Prune Users Posts v1.1.0
* Detailed Who Is Online v1.2.6
* Member Country Flags v2.0.6
* Gender In Memberlist v1.0.2
* Search Form In Viewtopic v1.0.2
* Profile Photo v2.0.2
* Profile Photo Image In Memberlist v1.0.1
* Profile Photo Link In Viewtopic v1.0.1
* Ranks In FAQ v1.0.2
* Display All Attachments v1.0.2
* Locked In Button v1.2.2
* Poll Topic Folder v1.0.0
* Disable Registrations v1.0.4
* BBCode: Align Text v2.0.4
* BBCode: Blur Text v1.2.0
* BBCode: Fade Text v1.3.0
* BBCode: Macromedia Flash Player v2.0.10
* BBCode: Flip v1.2.0
* BBCode: Highlight Text v2.0.0
* BBCode: Video vx.x.x
* BBCode: Stream Audio v2.0.0
* BBCode: Strike v1.0
* BBCode: Spoiler v1.0.0
* BBCode: Scroll (aka Marquee) v1.2.0
* BBCode: Updown v1.1
* BBCode: Hr vx.x.x
* Custom Local Weather v1.0.1
* At A Glance v2.0.0
* Who Is Online Addon v1.0
* View Random Topic v1.0
* Search Author Topic Starter v1.0.1
* Show End Of Vote v0.1.0
* Points System v2.1.1
* Points System Addon: Welcome & Show Points v1.0.0
* Copy Post To Clipboard v1.0.0
* myCalendar v2.2.6
* Mini Cal v2.0.4
* Advanced myCalendar v1.0.0
* BBCode: Left & Right Align Image Tag v1.6.0
* Admin Stats Panel v1.0.0
* Latest Pic Index v1.0.0
* BBCode: Font Face v1.0.4
* BBCode: Glow & Shadow Effects v2.0.6
* Message Icons v1.0.2
* Item Shop v2.6.0
* Transactions For Item Shop v0.9.2
* Quick Reply To Topic v1.3.1
* Rank In Memberlist v1.0.1
* Censoring Turned Off For Admins/Mods v0.0.4
* Quick Search v1.0.0
* RDF Content Syndicator v1.3.1
* Yellow Card Admin v1.3.9
* Yellow Card v1.3.33
* Rating System v1.1
* Enlarge Subject v1.0.3
* New PM Random Sound v2.0.3
* Last User Post Date In Memberlist v1.0.0
* More User Friendly "Lost Password" Resets v1.0.5
* Admin/Super Mod/Mod Color Fields v1.0.0
* Serverload v0.1.0
* Refresh Page v1.0.0
* View All Forums v1.0.1
* Stop Posts Count From Increasing v1.0.0
* Log Actions v1.1.2
* Retroactive Signature v1.0.2
* Disclaimer v1.0.0
* Auto Unban Main Admin v1.0.0
* Admins Undeletable v1.1.0
* Admin FAQ Editor v0.8.6
* View Posters IP On Thread v1.0.3
* IP Only Viewable By Admin v1.0.2
* PJIRC Chat v3.0.2
* Bottom Link v1.0.2
* Random Quotes 2.0
* Moreover.com News Feed With Content Caching 1.0.0
* Random User 1.0.2
* FMPortal v3.0
* phpBBWapGate v2.0.1
* Fully Integrated Shoutbox v1.1.6
* FMForumPortal v1.0
* Admin And Moderator Name In Color In Viewforum v1.0.3
* Super Moderators v2.1.0
* Administration Panel For Super Moderators v1.1.1
* File Attachment Addon: Slide Show Photo Album v1.0.1
* Referral v1.1.1
* Referral Addon: Points Bonus v0.9.0
* Journal Forum v0.1.0
* Recent Referrals v1.0.0b
* Admin Email List v1.02
* Instant Messenger List v1.5.2
* Xtra Colors v1.0
* Admin Who Is Online In Color v1.0.1
* PM Quick Reply v1.0.0
* Time Here Is v1.0.0
* Unique Hits v1.0
* TopList v1.3.8
* MOD CP Mark All v1.0.0
* Keep Main Admin Admin v1.0
* Topic Jump To v1.0.3
* Prillian 0.7.1
* Post & Topic Counts v1.0
* Charts v1.0 Beta
* Prune Users v1.4.3
* Language v1.0.0
* Ban Administration v0.6.0
* Banlist v1.0.3R
* Mark Topics As Answered/Unanswered 0.9.0 Beta
* Topic Link v1.0.0
* Moved Folder 1.0.0
* Smilie Creator v1.0.2
* Knowledge Base v0.7.6 Beta
* Moderator CP v1.0.9
* Post Count On Viewtopic Link To Their Posts v1.0.1
* Always Show Edited By v0.0.3
* bbBCode: Offtopic v0.1 Beta
* Livestream Radio v1.4
* Album Addon: Supercharged Album Pack v1.5.1
* Indicate Pictures v0.1.0
* Comments On Users v0.1.3
* Stop Author View Increase v1.0.1
* Album Addon: Linkage v1.1
* Include Sender's Name In PM Notify v1.0.0
* Topic Start Date In MOD CP v1.0
* View Topic Name While Posting v1.0.5
* Subforum Posting v1.0
* Who Viewed My Profile v1.5.3
* phpBBToGo v1.2.2
* Points System Addon & Complete Banner Addon: Bonus Points vx.x
* News Block v.2.0.4
* Super Moderator Global Permissions vx.x
* Split Topic Type v1.0.4
* Chatbox v3.0.1
* Understandable GMT Profile Time v1.0
* Admin HTTP Referers v0.3.7 Beta
* Admin Register v1.0.1
* Bantron v1.0.0
* AIM Online/Offline v1.0.2
* Only Active Members in Memberlist v1.0.0
* Enhanced Sig Char Counter v1.0.1
* Show Avatars In ACP v1.0.1
* Move Topics v1.0.0
* Overall Forum Permissions v1.0.2
* Edit Post Date v1.0.2
* Template Speedup v1.0.0
* Year Stars v1.0.1
* Yellow Card Addon: Black Card v1.1.0
* BBCode: Username v1.0.0
* No Flood Limit For Administrators & Moderators v1.0.2
* YIM Statistics v1.0
* Page Transition v1.0.1
* Custom Most Users Online v1.0.1
* Today At/Yesterday At v1.2.1
* Site Description v1.0.0
* Categories & Forum Icon v1.0.0
* Show Forum ID v1.2
* Color Font Bar v1.2
* Long Subject (120 chars.) v1.0.0
* Admin User Viewed Posts Tracker v1.00
* Forum Notification v1.0.4a
* Link To Forum Permissions On Management Screen v1.0.0
* Fast & Furious v2.0
* Overall Forums Permissions Interactive Editor v1.0.0
* Style Ranks v1.0.0
* Advance HTML v1.0.0 Beta
* Admin Debug Activation v0.0.1
* Recent Logins v1.0.0
* Show Usernames Starting With A Certain Letter v1.0
* phpBBMyAdmin v0.3.5
* E-mail Address On Welcome and Activation E-mails v1.0.0
* Move Topics Addon vx.x
* Username In Title v1.0.0
* Advanced Signature Editor With Preview v1.0.1
* Toggle Forum Descriptions v1.0.1
* No. Of Female And Male Members On Index v0.0.1
* Large Group Fix v1.1.2
* Global Announcement Addon: Moderator Buttons v1.0.0
* BBCode: Wave v1.0.2
* Disable Profile Edit v1.0.0
* Locked Forum Fixes v1.0.0
* Who Viewed v1.0.0
* User Uncensor v1.1.1
* Custom Mass PM v1.4.7
* Birthday Addon: Chinese Zodiacs v1.0.1
* Birthday Addon: Chinese Zodiacs Viewtopic v1.0.0
* Birthday Addon: Age/Zodiacs Memberlist v1.0.1
* Googlebot E-mail Notification v0.0.3
* Check If Guest IPs Have Ever Posted v1.0.0
* External Forum Redirect v2.0.0
* Template Edit v1.1.0 Beta
* Auto Prune Fix For Large Forums v0.0.1
* Reset User Level v1.0.1
* Gender Addon: Gender Required v0.9.0
* Remote Avatar Size Check v1.0.0
* BBCode: Tab v1.1.2
* New Posts Link In Viewtopic v1.0.0
* Favicon vx.x
* Christmas Snow 1.0.0
* Album Addon: Unapproved Pics v1.0.0
* Delete Unused Avatars v1.00
* PM Navigation 1.0.0
* Big Quotes in PMs v1.0.4
* User Profile Signature Switch v1.1
* Gallery Page Numbers v1.0.2
* Admin Templates v1.0.1
* Admin Registration Notify v1.0.0
* Turn Off Avatars v1.0.0
* Admin Points Tracker v1.0.0
* Advanced Karma v1.1.0
* Time & Date in Quote v1.0.0
* Avatar Approve v1.0.3
* Forum Tour v1.1.3
* Template->make_filename Message Fix v1.0.0
* Helpdesk v1.0.1
* Real Names v1.2.1
* Download Topics and Posts v1.0.3
* Shop Addon: Item Shop Images In Shoplist v1.0.0
* Shop Addon: Item Shop Image Edit v1.0.0
* phpBB2.2 Coding Style v1.0.0
* phpBB2.2 Quoting Style v1.0.0
* Admin Navlink Configuration v0.0.4
* Topic Onestep Move/Lock v1.0.0
* Switch Display Attached Images v1.0.0
* Shrink Attached Image v1.0.0
* Birthday Addon: Biorhythm v1.0.0
* Editable Forum Views v1.0.0
* Prune Overview v1.0.0
* phpBB E-mail Search v1.0.0
* Horoscopes Block v1.0
* Desktop Plus v1.0.2
* IP Search v1.2.0
* Hidden Status Viewing v1.0.0
* Invisible Switch v1.0.2
* Admin CP Language Statistics v1.0
* PM Replied v1.1.1
* Recycle Bin v1.0.0
* Change E-mail Sender v1.01
* Hide Style Select v1.0.1
* Read Receipt for Board E-mail v1.0.0
* Xfire Messenger v1.0.0
* PM Content In E-mail v1.0.0
* Topic Cement v1.0.3
* Configurable Who is Online Time Period v1.0
* Configurable Last Edited Time Info v1.0
* Custom Post Color Defined in Profile v1.0.1
* Newest User Unconfirmed v0.0.1
* E-mail - Admin Timezone Synchronizer v1.0
* DB Maintenance v1.3.1
* Merge Topic v1.0.2
* Bump Topic v1.1
* Username In Mod CP v1.0.0
* Export PMs to XML v1.1.1
* Lexicon v2.0.4
* Similar Topics v1.0.1
* Forum Rules v1.0
* E-mail On Errors v1.0
* Album Addon: Few Posts to the Photo Album v1.0.0
* Local URL Same Window v0.5.0
* Lottery Addon: Lottery Quota v1.0.0
* Dead Link Checker v1.0.1
* Shop Addon: User Shops v1.0.0
* phpBB Google Sitemap Generator v1.0.0
* Thread Kicker v1.0.4
* Amazon Link 1.0.5a
* Post Assciator v1.0.0
* myInfo v1.0.0
* Show Count of Members v1.0.0
* Admin Topic/Forum Re-direction Posting Setting v1.0.0
* phpBB GTalk (Google Talk) Support v1.0.1
* Stumble Upon Profile v1.0.1
* Birthday Addon: Birthday Cake v1.0.0
* Activity Plus v1.1.0
* Toggle Admin CP Login v2.0.0
* Inline Banner Ad v1.0.3
* Disallow Moderators To Edit/Delete Posts From Admin v1.0.0
* ACP Index Quick User Lookup v1.0.0
* Search Within FAQ v1.0.1
* Topic Sorting v1.0.4
* phpBB Backup Suite v1.0.0
* Activity Plus Addon: Random Game Portal Block v1.0.0
* Method Collapsable FAQ v1.0.0
* Version Cache v0.03
* Board Sitemap v1.0.0
* eXtreme Styles v1.01
* Import CSV v0.9.0
* LatestUserStats v1.0.0
* Multiple BBCode v1.4.0c
* BBCode Button Organizer v1.4.0a
* BBCode: Footnotes v1.0.2
* BBCode: Google Search v1.1.1
* BBCode: Forum Search v1.0.0
* BBCode: Border v1.0.0
* BBCode: Yahoo Search v1.0.0
* BBCode: eBay Search v1.0.0
* Daily Wallpaper Portal Block v1.0.0
* eBay Auctions v1.0.0
* Resend Activation v1.0.0
* Email Digests v1.3.4
* Stats & Info v1.0.0
* Custom Profiles v0.1.1
* Ban Unwanted Referer v1.0.1
* User Account Limits v1.0.0
* BBCode: Edit v1.0.1
* Null Vote v1.0.0b
* Password-protected Forums v0.5.1
* Loewen Enterprise Paypal IPN Subscription with Group v1.0.3
* Main Admin Security v1.1.0
* Hide Forum On Index v1.0.1
* RSS Feed v2.2.4
* RSS Feed Addon: RSS Autodiscovery v1.0.1
* RSS Feed Addon: RSS Feed Page v1.0.2
* Auto Cookie v2.0.2a
* Forum Bookmakers v3.0.0
* User Control Panel v2.0.0
* Send PM On User Registration Addon: Send On First Login Only v1.0
* BBCode: YouTube v1.0.1
* Album & RSS Feed Addons: RSS Feed v1.0.2
* Forum Enter Limit v1.0.3
* Gender v1.2.8
* Force Word Wrapping v1.0.16
* Bottom Aligned Signature v1.1.0
* Complete Banner v1.3.8
* Thank You v1.1.9
* Global Announcement v1.2.9
* Birthday v1.5.9
* Moderators Manual v1.0.0
* Avatar Generator v2.0.2
* Personal Notes v1.4.8
* Change Style v0.9.9
* Visual Confirmation For Lost Password v1.0.2
* Fading Links v2.0.4
* phpBB Spell v1.06p
* Statistics v3.0.1 Beta 3k
* Advanced Board Disable v2.0.0
* Display Moderators Per Forum? v1.0
* Disable phpBB Call-Home v1.0.0
* Global Admin Template v1.2.0
* File Attachment v2.4.5
* View Single Post v1.0.0
* Online/Offline/Hidden v2.2.7
* AJAXed v2.0.9b
* LinkDB v0.0.9
* Lottery v2.2.0
* Meeting v1.3.13
* eD2k Links Processing With Availability Statistics v1.0.5
* Quick Title Edition v1.5.1a
* Bank v2.0.1
* Configurable Username Length v1.1.1
* Automatic Database Backup v1.0.0
* Configurable Auto Login Checkbox v1.0.0
* Disable Search Indexing v1.0.0
* Password Generator v2.0.0
* Advance Meta Tags v2.7.1b
Forum Meta Tags v1.0.2
META Tags + v1.0.2
* Points System Addon: Transactions v1.3.0
* phpBB Spell Addon: Admin CP Activation v1.0
* Configurable New User PM Defaults v1.0
* Points System Addon: Jobs v1.1.3
* Admin Server Test v1.5.0
* Capitalization v1.02
* Simple Subtemplates v1.0.0
* Smiley Categories v2.0.4
* PM Content In E-mail Addon: User Defined PM Notify Text v1.0
* Gender Addon: Configurable Index Stats v1.0
* Accurate BBCode Insertion v1.0.1
* Chatbox Addon: Configurable Index Stats v1.0
* Debold Administrator/Super Moderator/Moderator v1.0
* Quick Reply To Topic Addon: Quick Reply ACP Config v1.0.0
* BBCode: Google Video v1.0
* What Is My IP Address? v1.0.2
* No Mass Mail To Banned Members v1.0.0
* Signature Preview v1.0.0
* Disable Post Editing After X Hours v1.0.0
* Force Topic Read v1.0.3
* Album v2.0.55a
* Stop Bumping v1.1.1
* Visual Confirmation for Guests v1.0.1
* BBCode: Table v1.3.1
* BBCode: Pre v1.0.3b
* Cricca Guestbook v2.2.0
* Group Moderatorz v1.0.2
* Avatar Suite v1.2.0
* Automatic Database Backup Addon: Enable/Disable Config v1.0
* Minimum & Maximum Post Message Length v1.0.1
* Minimum & Maximum Post Message Length Addon: Symbols Left Count vx.x
* Force E-mail Update v1.0.3
* Loewen Enterprise Donation v1.0.2
* Skype Me Extra v2.0.5
* Skype Me Extra Addon: Online Status v1.0.1
* Toggle Forum Descriptions Addon: Toggle Per Forum Basis v1.0
* Hide Detail v1.0.0
* BBCode: Moderator Tags v1.1.0
* BBCode: jcfplayer vx.x
* Moved Topic Message v1.1.0
* Post Cap v1.0.3
* Force Word Wrapping - Configurator v1.0.16
* Admin Notepad v3.2
* Restrict Images In Posts v0.3.0
* Maximum Signature Lines v1.0.0
* Quick Administrator User Options & Information v1.0.0
* New Users On Index v1.0.0
* Restrict Images In Signatures v0.1.1
* Can Display Signature Addition In ACP v1.0.0
* ACP Site Announcement Centre v1.1.1
* Page Permissions v1.2.2
* Add A VIP Code During Registration v1.2.1
* Who Viewed A Topic v1.0.3
* Hide Links v3.0.0
* Minimum Posts Before Voting v1.0.3
* Advance Admin Index Stats v1.0.1
* phpBB TS Viewer v1.1.2
* Avatar Select On Register v1.0.2
I know that maybe I am not using a lot of them, but maybe we can start from the basics.
Let me know.
PS. My host charge me for backups, so that is another issue that I need to have on mind.
My site is