Zia, you braught up some good modification changes, i will await few more days and then i could release updated version with some of what you mentioned.
To answer one of you question which is the most important, if someone registered already will not be able to use the second invite, so the thing is there is two ways to modify this :
1: Store each sent invite to which email , so they dont recieve second invite
BUT this has 2 disadvantages
a- We are overriding users privacy and storing their emails in our database no ?
b- what if the user didnt register first time, and did later accept the invite from another?
2- Same point can be resolved in another easier solution
Add a check when emails are about to be sent out, if email array is in database, will not recieve another invite, but doesnt matter if someone else have sent him earlier or not
This way , we are not storing any emails in database ( privacy compliant ) and we are comparing against our own database without further storage.
I do know your point can be resolved with other listed resolutions but am not going to be attacked by all those who will rise to complain about script usage and privacy plus i personally will not use an invite system that will copy my contact list for many reasons. Would you?