Originally Posted by seangworld
if vbulletin doesnt want anyone using the vbulletin name in anyone else's domain, then they need to go purchase it, otherwise, it's free game.
WRONG vBulletin is trademarked without permission they have the right to put legal action against you.which may include but is not limited to force your host to shut you down.Issue a law suit against you (this will cost you $$)...
Originally Posted by Shazz
Why not just put in the footer
"We are not an official Jelsoft website and is not associated with Jelsoft" and etc etc etc.
As far as the review I agree with this..
Yeah agreed but it is something you have to ask them otherwise they might enfore there rights.I Remember somebody who had a website about windows XP (microsoft) with help etc.That website became quite populair and microsoft has forced the owner to hand over his domain because it used microsoft trademarked product name(Windows XP)