Originally Posted by hyony
It would be much appriciated for many people if you can modify the default code & make them to show at least 6 (i would recommend 9) for this option because 3 will show very little for the news page.
Next version (Free & Commercial, will have all these values configurable. Especially for important news, will be configurable on how many news per row, for those who have a wide central block.
Originally Posted by hyony
For people with the commercial version, will you going to help modify the code ?
I'm not using "tricks" to get sales. As I wrote above this update will be available to both version.
A few suggestions for update:
Originally Posted by hyony
- Show the date of the article posted in the article's viewing area and next to the article when listing in each category. (recommend under the short description.
Already exists in commercial update. Free update has a bit delay.
Originally Posted by hyony
- Always Listed newer articles first in the category so new posted article would show on the first page when listing.
Same as above. ALready exists, and is configurable by admin. Dont forger that someone may wants to show them oldest first.
Originally Posted by hyony
- When clicking the category menu in the main page, it shows the sub-category under the main category instead of going to a new page & hide all the categories in the mainpage.
Or I didn't got the meaning, or you didn't seen them well. When you click a category, the menu changed showing all subcategories and ALL content of the page are changing according to that category.
Originally Posted by hyony
when you click to change the category on the mainpage, it would hide all other sub-categories and show only the current one. This category menu should show on every page. This would be very helpful for readers to keep tracks and changing between categories faster & easier.
I'm not sure if I got your meaning... sorry for it. But what for sure I know, is that headers are changing like: category... subcategory... article title.