Originally Posted by FreshFroot
So in other words.. in order to use this hack you have to allow guests to view forum...
I guess unless it;s fixed.. mabye CS should post it in his 1st post, so people who install know ahead of time...
ok after looking into it. It seems that even if you just include the global.php and have it shut off for unregistered people it wont work. So i first tried making the file pass off as a registration php because it somehow will bypass the prompt, ended up finding out that if you pass a do in the registration page you will get the same error. example:
http://yoursite.com/forum/register.php?do=sdfsd (if you have it shut off for unregistered)
So i changed it from DO to a different name and created a different php file instead of a plugin.
So what you will have to do to get this to work on forums that have it where unregistered users cant view their forum is:
1 ) Download the attached files
2 ) Replace your register.js with this one (forum/clientscript/register.js)
3 ) place the register_ajax.php in your forum root (forum/register_ajax.php)
4 ) Disable or Delete the CheckUsername
also i have not totally tested this fix, so please respond with your results.