Originally Posted by Ophelia
Good day Andrew!
Here is what I needed to do today.
I created a new sub-category in LDM and clicked the "Create a sub forum" for that LDM category.
The only problem was that where I wanted it .. it was set up like this...
Forum Category
- Sub Category
-- Sub-Sub Category
I needed the new forum placed inside an existing sub-category in the forums. Is this an option that can be added at some time or would that make it way to confusing?
As long as you have picked the Sub Category from the list of available forums it should create the Sub Sub Category link forum fine .. unless I have miss understood you and you mean that the Sub Category is already a link back to the LDM, in which case I don't think LDM can do it.
If you pick the same Forums Category for 2 different Categories you'll get 2 linked Sub Categories within the same Forum if that is any good?