Originally Posted by Mrdby
this worth having?
Not really in my humble opinion..........he talks a bunch of jibberish, and end's coversations with . and / etc........
Plus the thing doesn't learn........If you read in here that it does, then it's b.s.........I worked with this mod for a long time, and you can make certain changes in your aiml files, but as far as a bot that can actually have an intellegent coversation, no no no no.........Read back on some of my post's on this bot, in the beginning it was a great idea, but the fact that it can't learn how to post correctly, it's a waste of bandwidth..........
I still have it installed and have been trying to get the original coder's code to work as far as actually learning........but no go as of yet.. ExtremeTim claims to have it so it will learn, but i have yet to see a working version of that code. You can even check my post's at his site on this subject.