Originally Posted by kitsch
I've sent out a huge batch of e-mails and to my surprise the From: field of the e-mail has been set incorrectly. It should have been:
and instead it got set to:
"GSM Forum Europe" <GSM Forum Europe@p2pgsm.com>
(p2pgsm.com being the name of the server the forum runs on). So the users received the mail from europe@p2pgsm.com... Which isn't really cool. 
Not being funny or anything, but try setting your email address to the correct address in your ACP?
The reason that it is putting that email address is because that is what YOU set it to. any emails sent out from vbulletin will use that email address as the return address/contact address
Originally Posted by Lionel
My problem is different. I get a blank report.
Emails sent to:1@mail.com, etc@mail.com. We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid:
but there is no list of users!
Just means that there were no invalid users - sorry for the confusion.