Originally Posted by OziloZ
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Found 0 Inactive Users.
What done? I think we have minimum 1000 inactive members. But this mod says 0.
Before that i was succesfully send reminder mail to another usergroup.But now not working.
It could well be the case that you dont have inactive users. check to see if emails are sent out ever, and double check your settings - i cant remember off the top of my head the code, but make sure it is enabled.
Originally Posted by oneworld
im with you about the footer and the link, when i found the link i remove this products from my VB and i will not install it again because i didnt want to make ads to some one in my web site footer without my agreement ( no one do some thing for free )
somewhat of a hypocrtical post, but if you choose not to use this, then okay by me - but please note that you can remove the links via the ACP
Originally Posted by djbaxter
1. You didn't read this thread, did you? Look at the very first post in the thread. If you don't like the footer, you can remove it from your ACP options for the add-on.
2. You state "no one do some thing for free" but you're clearly expecting this add-on for free and clearly objecting to acknowledging its use.
Originally Posted by dune3000
Importing Style, Please Wait...
what wrong?
what version of vbulletin you using?
Originally Posted by rayw
Thanks for this mod, I have installed however, I was half way through configuring it (writing up a nice message to email out) and all of a sudden I get this email saying that:
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.
Emails sent to: usernames here (about 5 of them) . We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid: 1 username here
Is this normal? Does that mean that those members have been emailed the default email text or is it simply a test saying that these members would have been emailed if the mod was enabled?
they would have been sent an email, had their address been valid. it uses vbulletin's email checking function.