hi lebanon
i tried registering on ur forum to see the deom
but it seems somethings messed up on ur site
i havent gotten an email for confirmation yet
and furthermore the registration message looks like this on ur site...
PHP Code:
Thank you for registering, $username. An email has been dispatched to $email with details on how to activate your account. Click here to return to where you were previously.
You will receive an email in your inbox. You MUST follow the link in that email before you can post on these forums. Until you do that, you will be told that you do not have permission to post.
Attention HOTMAIL, AOL , YAHOO, or any other free service please check your junk folder for activation email ! Also to make sure you recieve future emails please click on NOT JUNK MAIL in your email message !
its not supposed to show $username and $email but it is on ur site
so i suspect the emails are not getting sent
can u check? my username there should be aku