Originally Posted by Quantnet.org
Would you be able to provide me with the link ? I like to see how the front page layout look using the vb templates. Thanks
Sorry it was on a local host. It skinned Joomla perfectly with my vbulletin skin but there are a few problems i feel still with the bridge.
My default Joomla had a login module on the front page that wouldn't take with my vbulletin username and password. However using the vbulletin one logs me into both systems (minor but worth remembering how the bridge is working).
Also i found some components just error out. MosDirectory for instance installed fine but mysql error'd when trying to add an entry (although removing the bridge it then performed as expected).
Seems a great start and will certainly bring a great deal to the vbulletin community. Not a huge fan of Joomla myself as i find the interface confusing but its certainly an extremely powerful system that could add huge benefits to vbulletin boards.
Kudos to the developer with his beta bridge and the clear instructions he laid down to install. I'll be keeping a close eye on this one.