Originally Posted by C_P
Originally Posted by RedefiningFate
I'm a novice to this. But find it great that you are creating this for us. As I was turned on to Joomla! the other day and I like the way it functions.
I don't understand what you mean by this, and feel free to make fun of me for it...
What exactly does it take to create either one of those?
A symbolic link is exactly like a windows shortcut icon on the desktop that points to a file or folder elsewhere. The command is
ln -s /absolute/path/to/directory ./link
For my dev site the command to link the cpstyles was
ln -s /www/circvsmaximvs.com/dev/htdocs/cpstyles ./cpstyles
Originally Posted by Jack Black
I run my forum on a sub-domain.....forum.mywebsite.com....and i really do not want to move it.
Anyway this mod will work on my setup?
The final release version will - part of the installer will be the setup of the paths between Joomla and vbulletin. Expect to see that within 3 weeks or so.