Hi I realy like the new version ( 2.6 )
but ther are some thing that you may change them in the
new version (2.7)
1- I hobe that we can change the language to another
language ( all it not only the settings on the ( admincp
2- add more new additions like
A-I can banned user by click on his username like PM
B- send board
C- Username HTML Markup in ( in my forum every group
has there own color) E.g. Administrators are Red
Super Moderators are green
Moderators are blue etc.
when they talk in should there user be in there color
that I has been add for them in ( Username HTML Markup )
not only black.
D- I can add Moderators for the VbChat only.
E- Smiles ( in my forum I have about 200 smiles )
and I hobe the user can choice the smiles that they wont
to show in the row
and add link ( all smiles ) ( popup page show all smiles
and I can click on any one of them
F- the user can't ignore the Administrators and Super
and that all what I have naw
I'm sorry for my bad English
thanks anyway