Originally Posted by YabbaDabba
- Admin-defined Height/Width of app
- Admin-defined Height/Width of images (or at least some calculation of how app size affects image size) <-- this could be done, and maybe tied in with the first suggestion.
- Admin-defined scroll-direction (I'm thinking it would be cool in a skyscraper layout) <-- This would require, the mod to have 2 versions of the movie, and very different template edits. Might be considered if we use 2 different product.xml files.
- Admin-select for continuous loop <-- This would be an AdminCP setting
- Admin-select for frame/background colors/transparency (use vB css even better) <-- This is being looked into, and maybe released shortly - incorporating a transparency mode.
- Admin-select for single-click on front image (instead of current two) <-- An option is a good idea, since we already have an a single-click option set as default.
- BB/html in the adls_content file (text is so small now, it is quite hard to read) <-- We could implement HTML code into the movie, but not BBcode.
- BB/html in the adls_data file (name string only) or maybe via an admin config page <-- This would be done via a PHP XML version fed via MySQL and using the AdminCP.
- Brand-free version (for a fee of course)<-- Always available on all our products.
At the moment we don't have the time to change this to a full working dynamic modification, since we are concentrating on a few 'high-end' commercial modifications.
But, we will keep these ideas in mind when updating it.