Originally Posted by Panagioths
How can we do the update?
Download the 1.0 package, then:
III. Installation / Upgrade
1. Upload "ncode_imageresizer.js" to the clientscript directory in your vBulletin installation.
2. Import "product-ncode_imageresizer.xml" in your vBulletin forum. Enter your AdminCP and go to Plugins & Products -> Manage Products. Click on [Add/Import Product] and refer to the XML file.
The installation script will detect which database modifications have to be performed and will display the query that is going to perform these modifications.
If something fails, execute that query yourself.
3. The file "vbulletin-language-nl.xml" can be used to import dutch versions of the used phrases. Import it in your language manager and overwrite the installed language "Nederlands". It will not remove any phrases, just add new ones.
The installation adds a couple of settings, phrases, templates and plugins, all of which are easily recognizable. It also adds the fields `ncode_imageresizer_mode`, `ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth` and `ncode_imageresizer_maxheight` to your `user` table, in which the resizesettings are saved. These fields are removed when the plugin is