Originally Posted by iogames
What about Google Checkout? I hear someone was paying $$$$ for it, need it too...
iogames: Thanks for asking. I want to give you an update - and I realize this update has been posted elsewhere, but unfortunately there is no good central way for an author to speak to all users of all his/her modifications at once, so it gets repeated.
About a month ago I decided to join with some others to form a company called Catnine Software. We are working on creating some major modifications for vBulletin, and at the moment are not looking to make a profit but simply to do what we love and provide vBulletin users with some high quality functionality.
This is a major undertaking, from a website to a forum to branding and documentation as well as creating a new vision and new product line. All of my existing mods will be expanded on in some way or another as part of this effort.
The fate of my payment gateway mods is as follows: They will be rolled up into a product called BizIT, that will include several new payment gateways and will support Google Checkout. It will also have numerous other features (TBA) such as trial subscriptions, subscribe on register, and an enhanced subscription page that supports the classic "feature comparison" layout.
As we get closer to launching this new entity, you will begin to see more details - especially as we start to release the new products here at vB.org.
I know there is some 'fear' of people going 'commercial' around here, but this I can promise you - what is free now will always remain free, and if it gets built into a larger project then that project will also be free.
Please, be patient and stick with us as we are working very hard toward our launch.