You can make specialized backgrounds in adobe photoshop if you have it and then add the css code into the skin in your admin panel. When you click on the drop down next to the skin you are working on you get many options there. To change colors adn implement backgrounds and stuff click on the Show All (i think) and it will show you all the CSS. you can change everything from there, no need to make a sepaparte CSS file and uplaod or anything like that. If you are not that familiar with CSS then you can take a look at W3CSchools they have tutorials on CSS and all formats of code for web pages. As for buttons & other images that are already used on your forum, you just make those and then when saving them save them with the same name of the item you are replacing in your skin. If its an icon named icon and a gif file then save it as icon.gif into the folder that it was originally. The best thing to do on images is download the images for your skin and modify them on your PC and then upload them back to your forum directory for the skin you are working on.