In Calendar>Moderation Options>Email Addresses to Notify When There is a New Event
I have specified the single email address of a listserv. This works great to notify lots of people - as long as you're a member of the listserv you get the notice.
Quite a few listserv members are asking me to put the date & time of the event in the message that gets sent out.
How do I customize that message so that vB inserts the date & time of the event it is notifying about?
Looks like I found the appropriate phrase:
Hello, $bbuserinfo[username] has just posted in the $calendarinfo[title] calendar of $vboptions[bbtitle] under the title of $title. This event is located at $vboptions[bburl]/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=$eventid Here is the event that has just been posted: *************** $eventmessage ***************
Now I just need to figure out the proper variables for the event date and event time (and time zone) that will work in that phrase.
I'm runniing vB 3.6.5 by the way.